Descargar The Lego Boost Idea Book: 95 Simple Robots and Hints for Making More! de Yoshihito Isogawa Libros Gratis en EPUB
[Download] The Lego Boost Idea Book: 95 Simple Robots and Hints for Making More! de Yoshihito Isogawa Libros Gratis en EPUB, The Lego Boost Idea Book: 95 Simple Robots and Hints for Making More! Libro pdf espanol
The Lego Boost Idea Book: 95 Simple Robots and Hints for Making More! de Yoshihito Isogawa
Descripción - Críticas 'If there is a young potential engineer you are looking to get some gifts for, this book is a great complement to the LEGO BOOST set itself.'--Game Vortex ' Beautifully illustrated on every page'--Midwest Book Review 'This inspirational guide to taking your BOOST to the next level is a must-have for owners of the LEGO BOOST building set.'--GeekDad 'Yoshihito's books are among the most useful I own.'--Brickset Reseña del editor The LEGO® BOOST® Idea Book contains dozens of ideas for building simple robots with the LEGO BOOST set.The LEGO® BOOST® Idea Book explores 95 creative ways to build simple robots with the LEGO BOOST set. Each model includes a parts list, minimal text, screenshots of programs, and colorful photographs from multiple angles so you can re-create it without step-by-step instructions.You'll learn to build robots that can walk and crawl, shoot and grab objects, and even draw using a pen! Each model demonstrates handy mechanical principles that you can use to come up with your own creations.Models come with building hints and ideas for putting your own spin on things. Best of all, every part you need to build these models comes in the LEGO BOOST Creative Toolbox (set #17101). Biografía del autor Yoshihito Isogawa is a LEGO luminary with 46 years of building experience. He is the author of The LEGO Technic Idea Book series, The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book series, and The LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Idea Book (all No Starch Press) as well as many Japanese-language LEGO books.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: The Lego Boost Idea Book: 95 Simple Robots and Hints for Making More!
- Autor: Yoshihito Isogawa
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Tecnología e ingeniería
- Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 253 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Gratis The Lego Boost Idea Book: 95 Simple Robots and Hints for Making More! de Yoshihito Isogawa PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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